Kumpulan artikel seo  

Posted by money

memilih keyword adalah pekerjaan yang difokuskan pada apa yang dicari orang bukan tentang apa produk, artikel atau konten anda.
Sebagai contoh orang akan lebih memilih “harga kamar hotel” daripada “Hotel Mutiara”, jadi menggunakan nama perusahaan kurang baik dari segi apa yang dicari orang, dari sudut search enggine tentu tidak ada masalah karena kedua kewyords akan di-index oleh google. Jadi sekali lagi, fokus kepada apa yang umumnya dicari orang.
Untuk menentukan keyword dan mengetahui apa yang sering dicari orang, anda mungkin tidak mendapat keyword yang tepat jika melakukannya dengan berpikir keras atau sambil minum kopi. Jadi lebih baik dan lebih cepat dan tepat jika anda menggunakan tool yang sudah ada, dibawah ada link keywords tool yang bisa anda gunakan :

Dengan fasilitas overture anda dapat memasukan sebuah keyword anda akan diberikan jumlah pencarian keyword tersebut dalam bulan-bulan terakhir. Anda juga akan diberikan list alternatif keyword yang relevan dan jumlah pencarian untuk tiap alternatif tersebut.

Tool ini memiliki kelebihan karena sudah memiliki thesaurus , jadi anda akan diberikan keyword yang biasa digunakan oleh orang dalam mencari hal yang berkaitan dengan keyword yang anda berikan. Dengan ini anda dapat memilih keyword yang lebih tepat dari keyword yang anda masukan.

Sebuah tool dari google yang sebenarnya dibuat untuk para pemasang iklan di adwords google. Tetapi toll ini sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan pilihan keyword yang terbaik, anda juga dapat mengintip bagaimana persaingan keyword yang digunakan para pemasang iklan. Disamping itu, tool yang berbasis ajax ini sangat mudah digunakan untuk memilih keyword dan anda dapat meng-export yang langsung ke dalam file excel.

List Lengkap tool untuk keywords dapat anda lihat pada kategori tool.

Rim Blackberry: Mobile data will grow rapidly  

Posted by money

Research In Motion (RIM) menilai permintaan masyarakat terhadap mobile data bertumbuh pesat. Fenomena tersebut tak hanya terjadi di pasar-pasar baru (emerging market) seperti Indonesia, tetapi juga global. Hal itu dikatakan Adele Beachley, Regional Director of Asia Pasific RIM, usai Peluncuran BlackBerry Curve 8900 dan BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 di Hotel Mulia, Jakarta, Selasa 20 Januari 2009.

"Permintaan layanan mobile data oleh end-user begitu besar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Ini menandakan tingginya kesadaran (awareness) masyarakat global terhadap mobile data," katanya kepada VIVAnews.

Fenomena ini ditandai dengan pertumbuhan pelanggan di BlackBerry sendiri. Adele memaparkan, jumlah pelanggan BlackBerry secara global mencapai sekitar 21 juta per akhir kuartal tiga tahun 2008.

"Ekspansi RIM ke pasar-pasar baru tak sia-sia. Mereka memberikan kontribusi pertumbuhan yang cukup signifikan. Pelanggan layanan data (net) sendiri meningkat sekitar 2,6 juta pada kuartal yang sama ketimbang setahun sebelumnya," paparnya.

Sayangnya, Adele tak bersedia memaparkan pertumbuhan BlackBerry di region Asia Pasifik, begitu pula targetnya di tahun ini.

"Yang pasti, tingkat awareness masyarakat terhadap mobile data yang semakin tinggi, terutama di Indonesia dan di pasar-pasar baru (emerging market) lainnya, membuat potensi pasar BlackBerry semakin besar," ucap Adele.

RIM, perusahaan penyedia layanan inovatif solusi komunikasi bergerak nirkabel, mengklaim bahwa dialah pelopor penyedia mobile data sejak 25 tahun lalu. Vendor asal Kanada yang juga memasarkan produk Inter@ctive Pager di samping BlackBerry tersebut, melaporkan telah mengantongi revenue sebesar US$ 6 miliar atau setara Rp 66 triliun pada tahun fiskal 2007.

(• Sumber: VIVAnews.Com)

make site title with keyword  

Posted by money

It is the most powerful SEO technique you have, so use it creatively! When search engine
results are displayed the title is the first thing people see.
Thus each page should have a different title with 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the
beginning. The title should explain in a few short words (your keywords) the intent of the
page. Don't put your company name first - place your keywords first and if you feel you
absolutely must have the company name in the title add it second.
Despite its importance, rather do not overdo it with the length of the title tag; 50-80
characters including spaces should be appropriate. And do not just list your keywords,
because you then risk being considered as spamming. Rather try to remain as close to a
readable sentence as possible. You also should make the title enticing, so that the viewers of
search engines listings will also click to see your website.
Below the title is a description which will be generally the first sentence on at page. The
Description Meta tag is also fairly important. Your description should also have 2 or 3 of
your keyword phrases at the beginning as so should your first sentence.
Just like the title
tag, reflect the content and try to keep there no more than 250 characters including spaces.
Change the words around enough so that you can hit various typings of your keywords.
You should have a different title, description and first sentence on each page. You many also
want to try shorter titles with only one keyword or keyword phrase as this will raise you
keyword relevance. Also you can consider putting your domain name at the very end of the

example to promotion article in blog  

Posted by money

campaign to write articles, six points you need to know!

I am sure most of you know the marketing power of good-written articles about your campaign business or industry. Educational and interesting articles on your audience's interesting topic that will drive traffic to your website and increase customer confidence in your skills. Best of all, it requires no investment other than your time and effort.

But where you start? Here are quick tips (presented in chronological order) should serve you well in the start up of this method of online advertising. All this can be a few points in their own page, but this should give the good of the process.
Think of Article Topics

Write about what you know, first of all. Brainstorming topics you have particular knowledge. It is not clear that something must be good. Write about the latest challenges faced by your company and how you overcame it. Write about an interesting situation that you know is a problem common in the industry but are not often addressed. Do not be afraid to present yourself or your company as a perfect, or as the challenge. You will fasten the original, and responsibility as a striver for perfection in the field.

For example, one article I plan to write in a few weeks to come we will be on video production company working on a forklift training video. While the video industry training company we have done, and I plan to laying our specific challenges and that we learned from the process. Of course I will include the fact that customers are very happy with the final product, but I also worry and difficulties that we have along the way. (Also make sure you get permission from your client if you plan to mention them specifically in the article.)

Research keywords

If you've finished doing any work on the search engine optimization for your website, the production of effective web articles are very similar. Because you want an article that will be relevant in the search, you must place a lot of keywords that are focused on your content. First make a list of all keywords and phrases that you want the article to be relevant to you.

For example, in preparing for this article, I think about that I want to read it. I do not find the Internet to research the type of language used in the industry, and I use the dictionary to find similar things. I came with a list of keywords that include the phrase: 'to write an article campaign' 'how to write an article-line' 'web writing articles'' how to write articles that advertise '' tips for internet writing campaign, among many others. Research will give you a good idea of the type of search that are relevant, and this will allow you to use these synonyms and phrases in the body of your article.
Article writing strategies

Hit the campaign itself will often not work in the web article format. Your audience does not want it to clear that they want to get the education services and / or entertainment, and what you have to struggle to do so.

Be brief. Use short paragraphs. If you find more than 1,000 words to write, think about breaking your content into two articles. You write for audiences that are often honored, used to be satisfied, so do not get a literary or meander. Of course, this does not always happen, if you write to potential customers in your industry and you know they want to read the dense, jargon-y content, you must serve them.

Some Title

Place a specific attempt to come with some good title for your article. They should be as clear and as keyword-rich as you can make them, as the title is the main search engine will know that, and because a good title will make relevant potential customers want to click on it. You will want an alternative to title this article when you post an article on a different database site.

For example, first, I my internet article titled 'Tips for Effective Website Games'. Some of the alternative title of my life is under the 'Video Producing Effective Website', 'Tips for Making Video Company Website', and 'important for Avoiding Bad Video Website'. You get a better idea to give you your article title, the more likely he will come to a different combination of keywords.

Article internet posting your

Research both the post-article database, which mainly focused on your industry. No two locations that are formatted exactly the same. Some require you to break your article to the bullet-points with the title at the top of each paragraph. Some require you to know some basic html code to place on your website or link you create your title in bold or italics. Some will ask you to enter in a brief summary of your article. Some will require basic unformatted html code, so you must save your article in text format is also basic.

I will be your suggestion to send your article on many sites as you can, at least ten. Do not forget to alternate the title you choose. The more you post it, the more likely it is to get a reading.
Article resource box

Natural resources is the box, usually at the bottom of the article, where you can put in a brief bio and a link to your company website (format varies from site to site.) Some sites will ask you to know html coding bit small to be included in your link manually. You can find this quite easy to do a search for 'basic html code.

If you have an article done with pretty good job, a small number of people who read the article you will click on the link and check your website. A small percentage of people who check the website you will think, 'Hey, I want to do business with this tu. That if all went well. My first article, I have only six in the website. I do, especially as the experiment, do not expect anything to happen a lot. Articles in the two phone calls from companies asking about our services, and a phone call from a journalist who wanted to interview me for a story about him writing online advertising. Of course, I strongly supported the potential of this medium.

Provide on-line is trying to write articles, and let AddMe know how he has been working for you. We want to hear stories about how you have increased business for your company.

I am sure most of you know the marketing power of good-written articles about your campaign business or industry. Educational and interesting articles on your audience's interesting topic that will drive traffic to your website and increase customer confidence in your skills. Best of all, it requires no investment other than your time and effort.

But where you start? Here are quick tips (presented in chronological order) should serve you well in the start up of this method of online advertising. All this can be a few points in their own page, but this should give the good of the process.
Think of Article Topics

Write about what you know, first of all. Brainstorming topics you have particular knowledge. It is not clear that something must be good. Write about the latest challenges faced by your company and how you overcame it. Write about an interesting situation that you know is a problem common in the industry but are not often addressed. Do not be afraid to present yourself or your company as a perfect, or as the challenge. You will fasten the original, and responsibility as a striver for perfection in the field.

For example, one article I plan to write in a few weeks to come we will be on video production company working on a forklift training video. While the video industry training company we have done, and I plan to laying our specific challenges and that we learned from the process. Of course I will include the fact that customers are very happy with the final product, but I also worry and difficulties that we have along the way. (Also make sure you get permission from your client if you plan to mention them specifically in the article.)

Research keywords

If you've finished doing any work on the search engine optimization for your website, the production of effective web articles are very similar. Because you want an article that will be relevant in the search, you must place a lot of keywords that are focused on your content. First make a list of all keywords and phrases that you want the article to be relevant to you.

For example, in preparing for this article, I think about that I want to read it. I do not find the Internet to research the type of language used in the industry, and I use the dictionary to find similar things. I came with a list of keywords that include the phrase: 'to write an article campaign' 'how to write an article-line' 'web writing articles'' how to write articles that advertise '' tips for internet writing campaign, among many others. Research will give you a good idea of the type of search that are relevant, and this will allow you to use these synonyms and phrases in the body of your article.
Article writing strategies

Hit the campaign itself will often not work in the web article format. Your audience does not want it to clear that they want to get the education services and / or entertainment, and what you have to struggle to do so.

Be brief. Use short paragraphs. If you find more than 1,000 words to write, think about breaking your content into two articles. You write for audiences that are often honored, used to be satisfied, so do not get a literary or meander. Of course, this does not always happen, if you write to potential customers in your industry and you know they want to read the dense, jargon-y content, you must serve them.

Some Title

Place a specific attempt to come with some good title for your article. They should be as clear and as keyword-rich as you can make them, as the title is the main search engine will know that, and because a good title will make relevant potential customers want to click on it. You will want an alternative to title this article when you post an article on a different database site.

For example, first, I my internet article titled 'Tips for Effective Website Games'. Some of the alternative title of my life is under the 'Video Producing Effective Website', 'Tips for Making Video Company Website', and 'important for Avoiding Bad Video Website'. You get a better idea to give you your article title, the more likely he will come to a different combination of keywords.

Article internet posting your

Research both the post-article database, which mainly focused on your industry. No two locations that are formatted exactly the same. Some require you to break your article to the bullet-points with the title at the top of each paragraph. Some require you to know some basic html code to place on your website or link you create your title in bold or italics. Some will ask you to enter in a brief summary of your article. Some will require basic unformatted html code, so you must save your article in text format is also basic.

I will be your suggestion to send your article on many sites as you can, at least ten. Do not forget to alternate the title you choose. The more you post it, the more likely it is to get a reading.
Article resource box

Natural resources is the box, usually at the bottom of the article, where you can put in a brief bio and a link to your company website (format varies from site to site.) Some sites will ask you to know html coding bit small to be included in your link manually. You can find this quite easy to do a search for 'basic html code.

If you have an article done with pretty good job, a small number of people who read the article you will click on the link and check your website. A small percentage of people who check the website you will think, 'Hey, I want to do business with this tu. That if all went well. My first article, I have only six in the website. I do, especially as the experiment, do not expect anything to happen a lot. Articles in the two phone calls from companies asking about our services, and a phone call from a journalist who wanted to interview me for a story about him writing online advertising. Of course, I strongly supported the potential of this medium.

Provide on-line is trying to write articles, and let AddMe know how he has been working for you. We want to hear stories about how you have increased business for your company.

how make Site Quality and Content  

Posted by money

useful and comprehensive content
that's related to your market
to keep your visitors there. Adding keyword-rich text that makes
sense and serves the concept of the web page improves your ranking
and keeps your visitors interested. The more text, the better for search
engine spiders when they index a website, it is strongly
recommended that your homepage has at least 200-300 “visible”
words. Moreover, the search engine spiders crawl especially the first
20 words of your website so try to keep an eye on them and make them really relevant to
what your site is about.
In addition,
valuable, dense and regularly updated content
is one of the most important items
you need for your website because visitors who stay longer while visiting a website help
measure the popularity of the site in the search engines. Therefore try to put at your
homepage such elements, content of which you will change regularly, e. g. news,

COLOR CODE in HTML programming  

Posted by money

#000000 : black
#800000 : maroon
#000080 : navy
#c0c0c0 : silver
#00ff00 : lime
#0000ff : blue
#800080 : purple
#808000 : olive
#ffffff : white
#ff00ff : fuchsia
#00ffff : aqua
#008000 : green
#ff0000 : red
#008080 : teal
#808080 : gray
#ffff00 : yellow

golden adsene  

Posted by money

How to get free traffic is a quality-the way this is also practiced by many blogs, the new show in a way that is often commented on the blog and other blogs and often dibanyak often How often (that can each day).

Blog that you should give comments related to your blog so that people who come will be considered if your blog is good. How to comment: usually the end of each of the comments have any posts that can be filled.

Find a popular blog, or that may also want to go as many blog comments ago, although many do not have the least likely to come blog, and he was also traffic.

There are a lot of bloggers to do this, but essentially I often comment in many places

Golden Adsense Strategy  

Posted by money

Adsense Definition:
What is Google Adsense
: Google Adsnese is an advertising branch by
Google; it is the brother version of Google Adwords. In Google Adwords,
the webmasters can advertise their business through the Google search
engine interface. Because there are a lot of advertiser are willing to pay for
Google, Google built Google Adsense to can help all webmaster' businesses.
The idea with Google Adsense:
That program can generate ads related to
the content of the page automatically; the advertisers can choose the main
keywords of their business and let the Google Adsense program to show
their ads within the most related web pages, this process is called
"Contextual Ads" ads that generated according to the topic of the content.
By the way
, the advertiser can receive much targeted traffic that really needs
their service.
What is your job in that system
: As an Adsense publisher, you can share
the revenue of these ads with Google by adding some ads in your own
website while sending some targeted traffic to the advertiser' website. You
can get a percentage determined only by Google.
I 'm sure that you have thought before about making money online or even
you already have tried some online business strategies provided by many
internet business experts. Anyway, I will tell you my plan to make money
online using one of the simplest money maker machines in the history,
welcome to Google Adsense world.
First off, you should understand how Google Adsnese works; to understand
Adsense you should first understand its brother program "Google Adwords".
In Google Adwords, the online stores, the online business websites, the web
hosting providers and any other websites that provides any service for
internet users can advertise their businesses through Google Adwords
program; their ads will appear within the results of Google search engines
after you search for a related keyword.
, the ads will be shown according to the search term, we can expect high
number of clicks on the ads and high conversion rate also because the ads
will be much related to the interest of the internet user.
Google gives the chance for other webmasters to publish Google Adwords
ads through their websites and/or blogs sharing the revenue with them, we
can call this system "Google Adsense".
You subscribe to Adsense program, get your unique code to add it in your
WebPages and some ads related to the content will be generated
automatically; you get paid from every single click on these ads, that's it.
The main idea here is to build a website that based on some good keywords
and try to get it at the first result of search engines; we will take Google to
be our primary search engine.
In the following detailed steps, you will be provided how to build a good
website to start making money with the Google Adsense program right now

Optimising Webpage  

Posted by money

A tip to get some quick traffic is to sign up with Stumbleupon.com and
download their toolbar. Then once you have the toolbar installed on your web
browser just browse to your website and give it a “thumbs up” from the
toolbar. This should give you some traffic to play with.
For a more long term traffic approach. You could write articles and submit
them to article directories such as GoArticles.com. Just write an article related
to your website niche, put your website URL in the article resource signature
box and subm it it. Even if you submit just one article a day you can expect to
see som e good long term traffic slowly building up.
So there you have it, m y tips on using AdSense effectively to make you more
money. Hope you enjoyed this report and more importantly I hope you find it

make money with google adsense  

Posted by money

Signing up for AdSense:
To sign up for your Free Google Adsense Account go to
Google require you to have a website or a blog before you can sign up for an
Adsense account so if you do not have an account, then create a blog at
www.blogger.com (free). When you created your blog, use your blog URL
when you sign up for an AdSense account.
Once you get your account. You can log in to get your ad code which you put
on your webpages to show AdSense ads. There are different style of ads you
can choose from. You can even change the colours around.
Ad Placement:
According to the research done by The Eyetrack III research released by The
Poynter Institute. A visitor first looks at the logo, then looks for the headline in
the top LEFT of the screen and then scans down the left of the screen for site
navigation before looking around the page.
Here are some snippets from the research site:
"The eyes most often fixated first in the upper left of the page, then
hovered in that area before going left to right. Only after perusing the
top portion of the page for some time did their eyes explore further
down the page."
"Dominant headlines most often draw the eye first upon entering the
page -- especially when they are in the upper left"
"We found that ads in the top and left portions of a homepage received
the most eye fixations." (this is where the Google Adsense ads shouldbe)

What we need to do is make sure we place AdSense ads near the top of the
page and some on the left of the page. This strategy is proven to get you
more clicks which result in more money for you.
This is also a sneaky way of making the ads appear as navigation links.
Visitors click without realising they’re ads. This can be extremely effective
You should also create the ads so they compliment your website’s colour
theme and style. They should fit right in and look natural. You can change the
background colour and text colour of your ads from you AdSense account.
Another AdSense feature you should add to your site is, AdSense for Search.
This is like an ordinary Google search box but instead of displaying just the
ordinary search results, it displays AdSense ads on top of the normal search
results. With this you can make money whenever someone searches from
your site and clicks on the results!

paid to klick  

Posted by money

PTC (Pay per Click) is a site that members pay for each click on ads that are available.

Klick at each pay $ 0.1 to $ 1
this is easy

as below:

